Wednesday, August 14, 2013

UX in daily life

I was wondering as to how can we explain the user experience design cyle to commom man.
So, did a lot of brainstorming and found that each one of us follow this method everyday.

Yesterday, my friends called me up to say that we are coming at your home for dinner. And from there my preparation began. I started to compare the cooking cycle with the UCD methodology. And to my surprise, both the cycles were almost similar.
Just look into the observation:

1. Discover Phase: In UCD methodology, we find the need and discover what and why for that need.
Similarly, when my friends called me up, I got to know the need, that I have to cook food so that we can have a get together and enjoy. I asked my friends what is their preference and how many of them are coming
(can be compared with research).

2. Describe Phase: In UCD methodology, after discovering the need, the next step is to describe the exact need and how we are going to approach it.
Similarly, after confirming with my friends , I got to know that I have to cook food for eight people on Tuesday night and I require xxx these many vegetables and ingredients for cooking.I made a list for that. 
To cook food for eight people, I had to decide a timeline i.e. I'll start at morning. Prepare everything by afternoon and give the final touches by evening.

3. Design Phase: I collected all the material and started working as per the plan. I woke up in the morning and made basic preparation .

4. Develop Phase:  As in UCD methodology, after designing the whole structure, the next step is to implement it by coding; similarly in cooking cycle after making the preparations, the final step is to roast, fry, add ingredients. I developed all the dishes as per requirement.

5. Deploy Phase: Finally, my friends arrived and after having chit chat, the food was served to the target audiences :)

6. Test Phase: Now, was the time of feedback :p

Like the above example, we can also see newspaper vendors, milkman etc following this methodology.
Keep observing :)  

Saturday, August 8, 2009